28.04.06 - Gut [GER] + Obtest [LIT] + Loits [EST] + Estuary [USA] + Bloody Sign [FRA] + The Ladder + Stuprum Dei
29.04.06 - Carpathain Forest [NOR] + Keep of Kalessin [NOR] + Hate [POL] + Brainwash [SPA] + Suhrim [BEL] + Flagellum Dei + Theriomorphic + Lux Ferre + Guilles de Rais [SPA] + The Ransack + Pestifer
30.04.06 - Bolt Thrower [UK] + God Dethroned [NL] + Ingrowing [CZE] + Adorior [UK] + Isacaarum [CZE] + Filii Nigrantium Infernalium + Hell-Born [POL] + Supreme Lord [POL] + Requiem Laus + Decrepidemic + Fetal Incest

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