Gaia em Peso III - Antiga Fundição Lever, Vila Nova de Gaia - 20h
27.10.06 - Skeptik + Dazzu + Sun of a Beach + Y? + Rock Poets + Alison Bentley + Neosiege + X-Side Solution + ArtChoke + Skypho
28.10.06 - Anonymous Souls + Reptile + Underneath + Decapitation + Revolution Within + Jesus on Fire + NightMyHeaven + Hybrid Corp. + Mad Dogs + Deep Cut
29.10.06 - Machina + Kormoss + Stillness in Chaos + Subdark + Panzer-001 + P.I.D.E. + M.O.R.G + Humor Cáustico + Thee Orakle + Revtend
30.10.06 - Hate Trigger + Crushing Sun + Grindcore Band + Loss Spectra of Pure + Urban War + My Truly Magnificient Band + Hyjack Frequency + My Eyes Inside + Last Wish
31.10.06 - Viingrid + Biolence + Dethmor + Fetal Incest + Made in Madness + Dark Society + Godiva + The End Gate + Invisible FlameLight + Four Ways to Die
O passe para os cinco dias custa 5 euros por venda antecipada ( e 7,5 Euros nos dias do festival.
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