Os Serrabulho actuam na edição 2017 do festival alemão Ranger Rock, que decorrerá em Brand, nos dias 26 e 27 de Maio 2017. A par do quarteto transmontano, actuarão ainda Schirenc Plays Pungent Stench [AT], Kraanium [NO/UK], Milking the Goatmachine [DE], G.O.R.E. [CZ], Rapemachine [DE], Fleshless [CZ], Profanity [DE], 5 Stabbed 4 Corpses [DE], Guinea Pig [IT], Urinal Tribunal [DE], Augsburger Franzl [DE], PorntheGore [RO], Congenital Anomalies [CZ], Slamentation [DE], Condylomata Acuminata [AT], Nucelar Vomit [PL], Carnal Decay [CH], Craniotomy [SK] e Brutal Sphincter [BE].
Mais informações ao longo das próximas semanas.
26-27.05.17 - Milking the Goatmachine + Schirenc Plays Pungent Stench + Kraanium + Nuclear Vomit + Gutalax + Fleshless + Guinea Pig + Serrabulho + Carnal Decay + Profanity + 5 Stabbed 4 Corpses + Urinal Tribunal + Rapemachine + Slamentation + G.O.R.E. + PorntheGore + Craniotomy + Congenital Anomalies + Brutal Sphincter + Condylomata Acuminata + Augsburger Franzl - Ranger Rock 2017, Brand, Alemanha - 16:30h
26-27.05.17 - Milking the Goatmachine + Schirenc Plays Pungent Stench + Kraanium + Nuclear Vomit + Gutalax + Fleshless + Guinea Pig + Serrabulho + Carnal Decay + Profanity + 5 Stabbed 4 Corpses + Urinal Tribunal + Rapemachine + Slamentation + G.O.R.E. + PorntheGore + Craniotomy + Congenital Anomalies + Brutal Sphincter + Condylomata Acuminata + Augsburger Franzl - Ranger Rock 2017, Brand, Alemanha - 16:30h
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